Someone once said, “It’s all about the quality of life and finding a happy balance between work and friends and family.”
We couldn’t agree more. And because we have our thoughts on families this Father’s Day weekend, we’d like to share a little bit more about one of our guiding principles at CD Building Services.
Family is important.
So what does that mean to you, our prospective clients and employees?
It means that, as a family-owned business, we respect our clients’ and employees’ time.
It means that our word- our reputation- is vital. It means we are committed and accountable because our family’s needs are literally at stake.
It means we’ve offered reliable, professional services to businesses in the Toledo area for several decades. We’re not a fly-by-night company that may not be around to honor our contracts.
It means we offer flexibility. We can and will jump in to make sure each job is completed on time, every time.
When you choose CD Building Services for your construction cleaning, commercial cleaning, or floor maintenance needs, you choose a commitment to quality.
It means our family is dedicated to meeting your needs.
Happy Father’s Day… from your friends at CD Building Services!